Latest News


02 September 2022
Provincial Road Safety debate and PET competitions.

Four schools from districts are currently battling for the first position on road safety debate competition, while five schools are also at loggerheads for a position on Participatory Education Technique (PET) competition held at Orion Hotel in Rustenburg.

The PET learners compete on identifying challenges or cause of accidents and best technique models for road constructions to avoid accidents and incidents while the Road Safety debate is set to compete on best strategies to also fight the Road canages aligning to the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2030.

Two winning schools on the categories of urban and rural per competition will represent the Province during the National competition which the date will be announced soon.

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Sello Lehari

Acting HOD: Mr Molefi Morule

Acting HOD:
Mr Molefi Morule

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